
This service is available in-person and via telehealth. If you would like further information, please contact us on 08 9365 4888 or complete the form below.


While your neurologist has a primary role in diagnosing, treating and helping you manage your condition, a neurological nurse can be a vital part of your support team.

Nurses provide ongoing support and coordination to ensure you receive the best plan to meet your individual needs.

Your neurological liaison nurse

MSWA employs a team of neurological liaison nurses in hospital and community care settings.

Our neuro nurses are trained to understand the often-complex symptoms and challenges and can provide ongoing support to help you minimise or manage symptoms such as fatigue, mobility problems, bladder or bowel dysfunction.

An MSWA neurological liaison nurse will assess your situation and recommend a tailored plan to ensure you receive the best possible care.

How an MSWA nurse can help you

Neurological liaison nurses provide:

  • information, training and ongoing support relating to MS for medications (injection, oral and intravenous) at an MSWA Services Centre or in your home
  • advice on how to manage the medication and any side effects
  • tailored information on symptoms, symptom management and relapse management
  • individual assessment and care planning including referrals to other MSWA teams such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, counselling, speech therapy, individual options and social welfare services
  • information on living well with a neurological condition including positive lifestyle changes, nutrition, complementary therapies and exercise
  • support for people with a neurological condition in both hospital, outpatient and community settings
  • act as a primary contact and support for people presenting with a neurological condition in the primary healthcare system
  • provide liaison and support on hospital wards and in clinics
  • have access to an extensive network of experienced health care professionals


To find out more about our nursing services, please complete the form below and one of our friendly team members will be in touch as soon as possible.